Lampuuk Beach is located in Lhoknga sub district, Aceh Besar Regency,
Aceh Province. The distance from the city of Banda Aceh is only 20 km
that makes the access to this beach resort easie
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- After the tsunami brunt, all the facilities and accommodations which are
available in this beach resort also destroyed. Even so, tourists who
come the beach resort do not have to worry about that because they are
able to get lodging, restaurant, and other facilities in the city of
Banda Aceh that are not too far from the beach resort.
- Natural panoramic beauty of the beach becomes the magnet for the
tourist. White sand that lies on the beach makes it more gorgeous.
Besides that, tourists who come there can also swimming, sun-bathing,
fishing, sailing, surfing, and even diving while enjoying the beauty of
its underwater,